Saturday, June 13, 2020

Job search round 2, all to play for! University of Manchester Careers Blog

Job search round 2, all to play for! So its semester 2, youve just done exams and all you have to look forward to is snow, sleet, Easter and then more exams. Oh and you really need a job for summer / after you graduate. Can it get more depressing? Did you apply in semester 1 and got nowhere?   All is not lost. There are still loads of jobs to apply for and some are only just being advertised.   You may even find that some of the big firms whose closing dates have passed reopen later on if they have places left.   Smaller companies will almost definitely recruit later as it takes less time for them. Lets review your application technique before you send off your next one, maybe you can do a better sales pitch? If you get an interview you must be looking good on paper, so lets make sure you perform well in person. Get a career mentor  in a profession you are interested in and get insights to help you with your applications and interviews. Only just starting looking for jobs or taking a new direction? Explore your options and make lists of potential employers Get the low down  on those employers really find out what makes them tick and what the jobs involve. Student experience internships for 2nd years have just come out but the window for applications is short so apply now. The Internships and work experience team will keep you No clue where to start or what you want to do? No problem come and talk to us or if you prefer a bit of a DIY approach use our I dont know what  I want to do advice Keep making the most of Manchester Its not too late to improve your CV by volunteering or getting active in a club or society.   Just a couple of extra lines on your CV showing that you give back, interact with others and make a difference can be the difference between you and another candidate. All Careers advice Graduate jobs Undergraduate applications Applications and interviews career planning careers Closing dates Getting started graduate schemes Internships Interviews jobs

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