Sunday, July 26, 2020

Getting to know our FlexCoaches Cecile Fery

Getting to know our FlexCoaches Cecile Fery Our FlexCoaches are passionate about supporting you to be the best you can be, offering a range of training and coaching services in areas such as career transition, return to work, interview skills and positive psychology â€" to name just a few. We chat to one of our newest FlexCoaches Cecile Fery about her career background and what she loves most about coaching women embarking on the next phase of their careers. Tell us about your career history? After completing my MBA in both France and Australia, I worked my way up in corporate marketing roles across various industries such as beauty, luxury goods, automotive and FMCG. I later branched out into consumer insights and business strategy. In my mid 30s I reached a career plateau where I was looking for a new direction. With a very demanding corporate job, stretched across two roles and involving lots of travel, I ended up stressed and exhausted. This was the catalyst I needed to become a certified career coach and to transition into a more flexible working life. What was your motivation to become a coach? When I was struggling with the demands of rigid corporate life I found there was hardly any careers help or support available. And I realised I was far from the only one who could do with some coaching in this area. Once I finally found someone to work through this phase of my career, and made a successful transition myself, I wanted to help other women get there too. My purpose now is to guide women through career challenges drawing on my own personal experience to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible. What are your areas of coaching expertise? I specialise in career direction, work-life balance and developing a strong, confident mindset. Those three areas are critical for women whether they are ready to tackle the next step in their career, or are returning to work after a break. What do you love most about coaching? Seeing the transformation coaching generates in people’s lives. I love watching the change that takes place from the moment I start working with someone new, who is usually in a pretty tough or confusing situation, to when they ignite with renewed excitement about their career. This is once they have career clarity and feel more confident in themselves. I also find the power of a coach is incredible at unlocking new possibilities, or shining a light on an aspect of our characters we cannot see ourselves. What’s the number one career challenge you’re asked to solve? ‘Help me work out my next step’ is the main question I hear. A lot of women get to that stage where they re-assess their priorities, what they want in their lives and the value they want to bring to a job. They are also afraid of making the wrong decision, confused or overwhelmed by the options and the parameters at play, so that’s where external guidance is a must. How do you define career success? I believe it changes over time, so the best way to achieve career success is to regularly ask yourself the question, “How content am I with my working life at the moment?” And then make changes when your aspirations evolve. It is a very personal definition and not mandatorily linked to external factors like money and job titles. My view is also that career cannot be dissociated with the rest of our lives, so career success only makes sense in the context of it working with all the other areas of our lives. What’s your vision for the future of work? I see us working in a fragmented, on-demand, specialised way not bound by location or job titles. The value we deliver will become our main currency in securing work, and we will approach our work more holistically. Opportunities to make a difference will abound. At the same time the gender roles will be redefined across work and home, with a focus on wellbeing. In your experience, what main challenges do women face when returning to work after a career break? The weight of their own expectations of themselves is the main challenge, as these can make the first few months feel like an uphill battle. Women also tend to experience a confidence gap following a career break which limits their impact and presence in the workplace. Beyond their own mindset, it can also be challenging for women to fit in when the working culture clashes with flexible hours or does not support a healthy work-life balance. Thanks so much for your time Cecile.   You can book a free Career Clarity call with Cecile  here  or find out about her career direction online course  here.   About Cecile Fery Cecile Fery  believes women  don’t have to choose  between professional and personal happiness. She helps women at mid-career who are ready for a  shift in their work life. They want to spend their time in a more  fulfilling  role, and in a way that works with the rest of their lifestyle. Cecile is passionate about helping them being the  best version of themselves  by leveraging their mindset, personal confidence and their strengths.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Ive Maintained a Side Hustle for 8 Years Without Burning Out Heres My Secret

I've Maintained a Side Hustle for 8 Years Without Burning Out â€" Here's My Secret Ive been reliably independent composition on a full-time secretly composing work for a long time. My first independent composing gig and I found each other in 2011, that year I began my full-time secretly composing position.Eight years is quite a while to focus on a side hustle. My online networking accounts get the best bits of that life the photographs from the diversion honorary pathway revealing days in my mid twenties to shots with the brand mascots I expound on in publicizing now. In any case, what no one sees is the real day in my side hustles life. There arent photographs of me keeping awake until late on a cutoff time. I dont spare any of my continuous flow barf composing. No one has video film of me taking a weariness rest as I attempt to energize from going through eight hours at my all day work for the nights assignments. The main proof anybody has of my eight years spent side hustling is the completed item generally a distributed article or a night out at an event.How ha ve I not worn out yet? Simple I keep burnout under control with the assistance of a couple of mysteries to side hustle achievement. Regardless of whether you do it for a considerable length of time or years one after another, these insider facts can be utilized to anyones advantage in staying aware of your side gig.1. Concentrate on income creating assignments first.It sets aside a little effort to get a side hustle moving in the first place. That is somewhat why its alluded to as a side hustle. You center around the gig when you have additional time and work an all day work for an essential wellspring of solid salary. As time advances, and the side gig develops and gets more acknowledgment, it can turn into its own full-course of events of work.Putting a consistent check first, regardless of whether its not in the field youre longing for being in, is brilliant. Erin Shea, North America Marketing Director at Vistaprint, says its likewise key to evading burnout. In an ongoing review of people that run side hustles notwithstanding working all day, Vistaprint found that numerous people devote 16 hours normal every week on their side gigs.Thats a great deal of time to spend on a hustle, particularly if its not producing income. Instead of keep on consuming the flame on the two finishes, Shea says that side hawkers need to distinguish need errands that have the most noteworthy effect on their business. This guarantees you invest less energy in work that has less effect on your primary concern, and additional time making an incentive during the workday.2. Figure out how to state no.In my initial days as a specialist, I was recently out of school with a meager portfolio. I said yes to the same number of composing open doors as I could, despite the fact that few were come up short on or didnt pay by any means. I required the experience, yet didnt consistently get pay for it.However, I was fortunate in that I made some full-memories, paid occupation. As time advanced a nd my collection of work developed, I created trust in knowing my restrictions and my value. Presently, I cordially state no at whatever point I don't have the transfer speed for an assignment.The best piece of saying no, particularly when you do it pleasantly, is that it is anything but an everything is lost second. Now and then the planning isnt directly at the time, yet it may be a superior fit later on. Cling to those contacts and hover back later on for joint effort opportunities.3. Put resources into yourself.Ive had a great deal of minutes throughout the years where Ive had JELL-O for supper or dropped a supper trip with a companion so I could accomplish my work. It is anything but an incredible inclination and as time has advanced, I have inclined toward heave! making an individual life for myself.Granted, my own life is as yet a work in progress, yet I am gradually figuring out how to put resources into myself to an ever increasing extent. Put aside a smidgen of time every day to unplug from PCs and cell phones. Enjoy a touch of self-care, such as snatching a smoothie or scrubbing down, which permits you to loosen up. It makes it significantly simpler to hit play on your side hustle once you get back ready again.4. You need to cherish your side hustle like crazy.Over the most recent eight years, Ive had a lot generally evenings spent clustered over my PC, attempting to get sentence to end up being correct. However, the intermittent episode of a mental obstacle aside, nothing has ever constructed me need to stop or surrender writing.The mystery to how I make my side hustle work is love. I love what I do an excessive amount to release it. That adoration has additionally done significantly more than keep me focused on completing a task. It has cleared a street for me to investigate new verticals and meet people's high expectations. I likewise get the chance to pick the psyches of my splendid editors and individual journalists, every one of whom I feel fo rtunate to work alongside.Thats the large mystery to side hustle achievement: you gotta love it. Regardless of what the hustle is, you need to cherish it so much that youre ready to bet everything and hold nothing back. The enthusiasm you have for your side hustle eventually makes both you and the business more grounded, so give it your everything.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Close the Deal With Our Sales Associate Retail Resume Template for Word

Close the Deal With Our Sales Associate Retail Resume Template for Word Close the Deal With Our Sales Associate Retail Resume Template for Word IntroductionFantastic openings for work don't come around regularly, so when they do, you should be set up to hold onto them. At the point when your resume is fit as a fiddle, you are bound to grab the eye of businesses and get the position you need. Seeing example resumes from your industry, for example, our business partner retail continue layout for Word recorded underneath, can assist you with picking the ideal organizing and composing styles for your own resume. Continue perusing for more data about creating a remarkable outline explanation and aptitudes, work history, and training sections.Sales Associate Retail Resume Template for Word Ronald SmithOakland, CA 11111E: P: 555 Retail deals partner with more than 10 years' involvement with different exchange settings Close lion's share of deals while keeping clients fulfilled Strong influence and correspondence skillsPerfect Your Skills SectionYour abilities segment is your chance to feature your subject matters, particularly those that are explicit to your industry. To truly make your resume sparkle, seek the expected set of responsibilities for direction. Remember aptitudes for your resume precisely as they are written part of the set of working responsibilities. Utilizing these watchwords will assist you with enduring any candidate separating programming your selection representatives might be using.Remember, regardless of whether you have a great deal of attractive aptitudes, it is best just to incorporate those that are pertinent to the current situation. You can contemplate our business partner retail continue layout for Word for additional thoughts regarding designing and masterminding this section.If appropriate, you might need to incorporate a portion of these soughtAmerican Gem Society-Certified Sales Associate 2014California Community College-Associate of Arts in Early Childhood Education 2013

Saturday, July 4, 2020

The Visual Guide to Starting Your New Job Off on the Right Foot

The Visual Guide to Starting Your New Job Off on the Right Foot Its ordinary to be apprehensive before beginning a new position. Will your associates like you? Will your manager be intrigued? Will you rapidly change in accordance with new strategies and techniques, or will you unintentionally follow your old employments rules? Rather than letting your creative mind flee with itself, put everything on hold. Take a full breath. It will be alright. Keep in mind: The organization picked you on purpose. The employing director thinks youll be a solid match, and they need you to succeed. On the off chance that you need a little assistance making sense of precisely what to do in your initial not many weeks at work, look no farther than this convenient visual guide from back up plan Budget Direct. The infographic offers a wide range of helpful guidance on exploring your new openings firsts, similar to your first group meeting, your first introduction, and your first execution survey. Look at it in full beneath: